Large Crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis)
Plant Characteristics: Annual warm-season grass with long stolons and high reseeding ability. Crabgrass is very leafy with a tall ligule. Leaves are sparsely hairy and the collar regions has very long hairs. Seed has 3 or mores spikes.
Establishment: In most instances, crabgrass is considered a weed. It is well adapted to the Gulf Coast area but grows well throughout the whole state. Planting season is usually from March to May at seeding rates of 4 to 6 lb/ac. Plant crabgrass at a 1/4 inch. It has a high reseeding ability and requires annual tillage. Armyworms can reduce yields and establishment.
Fertilization: Adapted to sandy and sandy-loam soils with pH ranging from 5 to 7.5. It is highly responsive to nitrogen. Apply 100 lb N/ac.
Grazing/Hay Management: Crabgrass can be utilized as hay or pasture. Forage production occurs between May and September with yields ranging from 4 to 8 tons/ac. Best utilized when grown with small grains. Can support high stocking rates.
Forage Quality: Forage quality is superior to more warm-season grasses.
Varieties/Cultivars: Red river.