Generally late May and early June are peak times when many turf insects begin laying eggs to proliferate and insure their existence for another generation. A few days later the young offspring will emerge and begin feeding on your lawn as tiny larvae and nymphs. These early instars are much easier to control than later instars or adults. Therefore, careful scouting at least once a week now throughout the summer and treating only when needed with a labeled insecticide will help protect your lawn from a damaging invasion.
Turf diseases, and weed infestations as well, are much easier managed when recognized and treated before they become serious problems. Therefore, for a healthier lawn getting in the habit of lawn pests scouting just before you mow every week will alert you of any problems before they become serious.
Good turf management, including pests scouting, also helps provide a wiser, more effective use of pesticides.
Published May 26, 2009
Dr. Wayne Wells is an Extension Professor and Turfgrass Specialist. His mailing address is Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mail Stop 9555, Mississippi State, MS 39762. [email protected]