The first step in having a successful lawn is to select a turf species that is adaptable to your area. Many of the seed on the shelves of larger chain stores are just not suitable for permanent Mississippi lawns. Unless you live in the extreme northern counties, most cool-season turf species (ryegrass, bluegrass, and most fescues) are poor choices as the heat of summer will be their demise and should not even be planted as temporary lawns once our warm season turf species begin to green-up.
Also be somewhat skeptical of flashy catalog advertisements that guarantee beautiful lawns from seed especially when the turf species is never mentioned. Centipede, bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, seashore paspalum, carpetgrass, and bahia grass are your seeded warm-season choices. All the above species can also be established vegetatively as well as St. Augustine grass, which is the most tolerant to shade.
Every lawn environment has its own problem areas such as drainage, soil pH, fertility, traffic, heavy shade, invasive weed species, salt, etc. that need to be addressed and proper species selection helps cope with these various problems.
For more details and better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of these different warm-season turf species and how to best establish them obtain a copy of Extension Publication #1322 “Establish and Manage Your Home Lawn” from your local Extension office.
Local experts, such as county Extension agents, lawn care operators, sports turf managers, farm co-op personnel, etc., are excellent contacts that can help provide the correct information you need.
Published February 23, 2009
Dr. Wayne Wells is an Extension Professor and Turfgrass Specialist. His mailing address is Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mail Stop 9555, Mississippi State, MS 39762. [email protected]