There are times when our lawns are attacked by insects, diseases, weeds, or even small animals that cause enough damage that unless some control is taken these pests can drastically reduce or destroy the quality of the lawn. Therefore, pesticides are often the most effective and environmentally friendly method of control. Unfortunately, some of these pesticides are not needed or are for problems that these particular pesticides would not help. The following suggestions can help you in implementing sound management practices and determining if and when a pesticide is what your lawn needs.
Remember, just because you see insects does not mean that insects are a problem. Proper identification of the problem is essential before you select any type of control. There are many excellent resources available to help you identify pests or pest caused problems, including trained professionals at nurseries and garden centers, your local Extension office, and reference books dealing with lawn pests and diseases. Healthy turf is generally less susceptible to injury by pests, and good cultural practices can reduce pest outbreaks.
Published May 7, 2012
Dr. Wayne Wells is an Extension Professor and Turfgrass Specialist. His mailing address is Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mail Stop 9555, Mississippi State, MS 39762. [email protected]