Community Resource and Economic Development
Be Red Cross Ready is a succinct emergency preparedness educational program for participants ages 16 and up, families, businesses, and community groups that better informs and educates clientele in a three-pronged approach to being better prepared by 1) building emergency supply kits and go kits, 2) developing emergency action plans and communication plans, and 3) staying informed regarding local risks and hazards.
Computer 101 provides those with little or no experience with computers with a foundation that allows them to begin learning how to do basic computer functions.
Computer 101 provides those with little or no experience with computers with a foundation that allows them to begin learning how to do basic computer functions.
Anyone without advanced computer skills will learn strategies for maximizing a computer’s speed, storage, and productivity.
Local foods producers, farmer’s market managers, food hub managers, or persons that are engaged in the local foods industry
KEYS (Knowledgeable Engaged Youth Scholars) to Community will help youth understand how their county government operates, what their county government is trying to accomplish, how the actions of government affect their everyday life, and their responsibility to local government.
Master Gardener will train volunteers in home horticulture to assist the county offices in disseminating home horticulture information.
This program will add to the education and resources available to reduce food insecurity and build relationships between agents and educators.
MyPI is a comprehensive youth preparedness program designed for teens that includes Teen CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), an Add-On catalog that features technology tracks, career tracks, CPR/AED certification, and a leadership and community service project.
Programming Pals is an innovative curriculum that integrates English Language Arts and computer science to develop both textual and computer coding literacy.
Ready in the Middle is a youth preparedness initiative designed specifically for youth ages 10 to 19 and their families in Mississippi.
Cloverbud youth will learn what it means to be in 4-H through programming stories in Scratch Jr.
Technology After You Die is designed for the participant to learn how to plan ahead for what happens to their accounts after they pass away.
The Pillowcase Project, developed by the American Red Cross and sponsored by Disney, will teach students in grades 3 to 5 about personal and family preparedness, local hazards, and basic coping skills.
The PREP Rally program teaches children the basics of preparedness and develops lifelong safety skills.
This program is intended to educate Mississippians about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling in their households to live more sustainably.